Seedlab Tasmania
Services: Capacity-Building Workshops
September – November 2021
Bannikin was engaged by Seedlab Tasmania to deliver two virtual workshops with the goal of building experience development and storytelling capacity within Tasmanian agritourism operators. Seedlab Tasmania is an independent incubator and accelerator program supported by the Tasmanian Government through the Department of State Growth.
The first workshop designed and delivered by our team was focused on “Growing Agritourism Experiences: Celebrating the Peoples, Places, and Processes that Make Your Business Unique”. Through technical knowledge and theory, as well as real-life examples, this first workshop delivered key learning outcomes so that participants could: point to good practices of agritourism through specific reference to examples; describe the common elements that make up great agritourism experiences; explain the value of connecting peoples, places, and processes in agritourism experiences; and apply knowledge gained in the development of new or enhanced agritourism experiences.
Meanwhile, the second workshop entitled “Growing Agritourism Markets: Using Storytelling to Truly Connect with Your Customers” focused on delivering learnings that would equip and empower participants to: explain storytelling theory using examples from narratology, classic comparative mythology and comparative religion, literature, and pop culture; connect Joseph Campbell’s ‘The Hero’s Journey’ formula to the psychology of a customer’s decision-making process; appreciate the value of using stories to effectively communicate with customers; and apply knowledge gained to the telling of stories across diverse marketing and branding channels.
Our team worked across September and October to design the customized workshops that were delivered to 15 agritourism business owners and operators in Tasmania. Materials developed included:
Tailored workshop design documents
Facilitators’ guides
Tools and resources for participants
Post-workshop survey
An initial marker of success for the workshops was the decision by 100% of workshop 1 participants to register and participate in the second workshop! Beyond the learning outcomes imparted by the two workshops delivered in November of 2021, as described above, a particularly exciting outcome of the capacity-building exercise for industry members was one of the participating businesses, Curringa Farm, successfully applying to present their story of agritourism at the 2022 International Workshop on Agritourism in Burlington, Vermont, as part of a panel on agritourism case studies from around the world facilitated by Bannikin team members Trevor Jonas Benson and Caroline Morrow.
“I really appreciated the systematic analysis of what constitutes an experience. The use of great examples including international case studies gave me lots of new ideas for experiences too.”
Growing Agritourism Experiences Workshop Participant, post-workshop survey testimonial
“Your presentation confirmed what we knew and provided an excellent method for developing engaging, relevant and more positive (than we had previously thought of) stories for our own brand. We will certainly re-watch the presentation and re-view our own story. Thank you!”
Growing Agritourism Markets Workshop Participant, post-workshop survey testimonial
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