We are inspired by the power and potential of tourism to create meaningful change in our world.
We believe that tourism can contribute to flourishing peoples and places.
We recognize that every destination is first and foremost someone's home.
We feel responsible for working to ensure that the unique ecosystems and peoples that bring places to life are honoured and respected.
The places where people live and visit, and everything that brings them to life, are flourishing!
Guiding Principles.
Remember that travel and tourism do not exist in a vacuum
Recognize and appreciate diverse forms of capital
Be comfortable being uncomfortable, and have the important conversations
Seek to activate the potential in others
Invest as much in the process as in the outcomes
Honesty and integrity
Trust and respect
Kindness and empathy
Curiosity, creativity, and happiness
To co-create value in the world through and beyond tourism

Perpetual students of tourism, we see much value in being active members of the following organizations: